Medicine Hat Winters | Tourism Medicine Hat

Cypress Nordic Ski Club With Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park only a 45 minute drive from Medicine Hat, people can find cross-country skiing trails near the city in a forested area. And now there’s a club to introduce people to the sport. Cypress Nordic Ski Club members Gregg Campbell and Linda Johnston are a part of a group who are eager to familiarize people with this exciting, winter activity, in Medicine Hat and surrounding areas. “It’s forest bathing. The trails are all different, and once you find your flow and a good rhythm, it becomes methodical.” The trails in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park are completely immersed in nature, with snowy lodgepole pine and aspen trees surrounding the skiers. The rolling hills bring a nice challenge. “It’s forest bathing. The trails are all different, and once you find your flow and a good rhythm, it becomes methodical,” says Campbell, who’s been cross-country skiing since he joined the cross-country ski team in high school. Johnston teaches the bunny rabbits program “Listening to the kids having fun is just delightful,” says Johnston. “It’s a very affordable and fun way to help develop coordination, balance, and agility, and it helps set them up for success for the next level.” Her lessons with the bunny rabbits teach foundational skill, while also having time to play familiar backyard games on their skis, like ‘what time is it mr.wolf’ and ‘red light green light’. The Cypress Nordic Ski Club has operated for just over a year in 2024, and the interest has been positive. There are close to 70 members who participate in lessons and go cross-country skiing as a group. “If cross-country skiing hasn’t crossed your mind, it really is a welcoming community that is wanting for people to have positive experiences, love winter, and love the snow,” says Johnston. Learn more about Cypress Nordic Ski Club online at and stay updated on Facebook at @CypressNordicSkiClub . with the Cypress Nordic Ski Club, while two other ski club members, Kwan Lee and Marvin Genno, teach the jackrabbits.


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