Experience Guide | Tourism Medicine Hat

Battle Creek Showdown Local mountain biker of almost 20 years, Katie Courty has raced the Battle Creek Showdown trails since year one in 2015. Filled with locals in the early years, the mountain bike festival quickly grew with racers from across Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan. Selling out every season, Courty says the welcoming and outgoing spirit has remained with a slightly more competitive edge, and the memorable moments keep piling on. “It’s truly become a festival. Us and all our friends camp the week before and into the weekend. We often have the backend of the Elkwater Campground — it’s all bikers and everybody sits and hangs out at the campsite. It’s my most favourite weekend of the summer, hands down,” says Courty. Families and friends join to cheer everyone on, and every racer seen along the way voices words of encouragement, bringing a motivating and inspiring drive. There’s live music and food trucks in the evening. And for those who camp, the Visitor Centre, Elkwater Lake, and playgrounds are all nearby to continue on the action. One of Courty’s favourite trails is in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, trail name being ‘Sorry’. She climbs it during early sunset to catch the sun setting over the lake, and see the sun shimmering off it. “Even though we’re in the prairies, it’s like big mountain riding. We don’t have the elevation, but it’s some pretty awesome riding out here. We’ve had some fantastic trail builders out here that have upped the game. I’ve met people from all over who can’t believe how awesome our trails are.”

The route changes yearly for Battle Creek Showdown , and it never disappoints. With a limited number of spots, make sure to regis ter early, because it sells out every year.


47 Mountain Biking


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