Medicine Hat Dining Guide
Welcome to Medicine Hat! We hope you enjoy your stay.
This dining guid e can help you find the perfect spot to eat during your time in Canada’s sunniest city. You will find restaurants, cafés and breweries organized by where they are located in the city. Determine where you are in the city with the map on the following pages, then see what’s close to you on the appropriate page. We have marked five areas within city limits that house the city’s food and drink options. They are: » Downtown on Page 6 » Dunmore Rd / 13 Ave SE on Page 10 » Southlands on Page 14 Medicine Hat is full of great food and drink options, and each of the five areas offers something a little different. Dine in, take-out, or have a coffee with dessert. You will notice each restaurant is categorized by the food and experience they offer. We have included websites, telephone numbers and icons that indicate what social media platforms they use. Be sure to call and make reservations! It’s going to be a busy weekend. Happy eating! » Crescent Heights on Page 16 » Light Industrial on Page 18
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